Why I'm Cutting Down To One Blog Post A Week

I've been blogging every week, twice a week, for about 3 years. I have SO much to owe to that consistency! It's taught me so much about discipline, it's built me a really solid following, loyal readers, and a new found love for writing. 

But recently, it's been sucking up a little bit too much time.

You see, blogging doesn't *directly* pay me. It attracts customers to my business, allows me to book work and share the work that I do with you all. However, I don't do sponsored posts, or use many affiliate links, so the money I may out of blogging is actually very minimal. 

Each post takes me a lot of time. I put a lot of time and effort into my blog posts, because I want them to be super valuable! I want each post to help you in some way, and I like to go into as much depth as I can. So when you're doing two posts a week at that level, it begins to suck up a lot of time.

I didn't realise just how much time until recently, when a business mentor of mine asked me how long I spent writing my posts, versus doing more direct marketing (more on that later) and the answer was... a lot. 

I was quite resistant to this at first. Fear reared it's ugly head, and I was very stubborn. "Blogging is what has got me to where I am today. I can't cut down on the amount of blog posts I do! Everyone will think I'm being lazy!" <- Genuine thoughts that I've had in the last few weeks. 

But the more time went by, the more I realised that he was right... I was spending a little bit too much time on pure content creation, and not enough time on doing things that will bring me actual money. That realisation, plus a coaching session with Jen Carrington, helped me to come to the conclusion that for at least a little while, I need to take my focus away from blogging, and more to reaching out and making real business connections. 

So, as of now, I'm cutting down to one blog post a week. 

Am I scared about this? YEP. Massively. There is so much fear around changing my routine, changing something which was worked for a long time. But also, I know I need to give more time and energy into another area of my business. 

So what will my blog look like from now on?

At least for the next few months, you'll still get at least one blog post a week from me. There may be the odd week where I still do two (if I'm feeling really inspired, or I'm getting more of my to do list done, for example), PLUS a podcast episode each week. Oh, and I'm putting a lot of work into my newsletter at the moment, so subscribe to that! 

I don't know about you, but I still feel like that's pretty good ;) 

As I type this, I'm actually pretty excited. I'm conscious that my traffic *could* drop a tiny bit (although from what I've been told, I probably won't notice anything), but above all else, I'm excited to see what this shift of focus does for my business! I'm really pushing myself at the moment, thinking big, going after big dreams, and cutting down to one blog post a week means that I have this big old chunk of time in the week now to focus on that. 

Who knows how long this will go on for... I might change my mind completely in a months time and be back to blogging twice a week! But right now, this is my plan, and if it changes, I'll let you know. 

With all of this being said, please let me know what you'd like my to write about! Are there any burning questions you have? Any topics you need clarity on? What can I help you with? Leave me a comment of send me an email and I'll be sure to include it in my content calendar. 


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