My Photography Story
I first found photography when I was 15 years old. I was working on a school art project, and stumbled on the website Flickr. As I browsed the site, my whole life changed. I’d never considered that people like you and me, could take such beautiful images!
Within a few days of discovering the site, I found my parents DSLR (a Nikon D80, if you’re curious) and thanks to the wonders of the internet, taught myself how to use it.
I’ve had a camera in my hand ever since.
Get To Know Me Better
A ReIntroduction
Listen to this episode of my podcast, The Fashion Photography Show, to get to know me!

4 Random Facts About Me
Until I was 13, I thought I’d be a vet. I’ve had dogs and horses all my life, and used to compete in Dressage in Switzerland. I don’t ride at the moment, but I’m sure I’ll get back to it one day. Right now, my favourite thing to do is go out for a walk with my dog, Milo.
My whole life I struggled with maths and numbers. It got so bad, that when I was 15, a maths teach at my school recommended I be tested for something called “Dyscalculia” which is basically dyslexia for maths. I was the first ever to be tested in my school, and my results were off the charts!
I’m Swiss, and I grew up in Geneva - the French part. I get asked all the time why I sound so British despite my upbringing, but that’s because my mum is British/Swiss, and I went to an International School. I speak English to my mum, and French to my dad.
No Coffee
I think coffee is gross, and I won’t drink it, no matter how much you tell me it’s good.
Olivia Bossert Photography