15 Of The Best Business Books for Female Entrepreneurs

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If you know me, you'll know that I love to read. I've read more books within the first four months of 2018 than I can believe, really! It's quite funny for me to think of myself as a reader, because I truly never used to be... but always longed to be. I had such envy for people who loved to read, because I loved the IDEA of getting lost in the pages of a book (Hello major Rory Gilmore wannabe teenage years). However, I just never really got into it.

Until I discovered non fiction, self help, self improvement, business books. 

I was a bit ashamed to admit to people that I enjoyed reading business / self help books for a long time. I was embarassed! However, over the years, and thanks to the powers of the internet, I've come to realise that I'm truly not along... and lots of you also love to read books of this genre! So instead of keeping all of my secrets to myself, here is a list of my favourite books for female entrepreneurs. 

1. The Little Black Book by Otegha Uwagba

"Little Black Book" had a serious moment towards the end of 2017, and for good reason. This really is a tiny, little, amazing book! The sort of thing you can pick up and read in an afternoon, but packed full of useful information from how to manage your money, how to put a contract together... even links to websites that help creative entrepreneurs get sourced. I loved this! 

2. Entrepreneurial You by Dorie Clark

If you are at all interested in increasing your income streams, this book is golden. In reading this, I came up with multiple easy, and practical ways that I could increase my income, and create mini side businesses around my core business. Perfect if you're looking to expand, and full of tips you could put into action right away. 

3. Business for Bohemians

4. Start With Why

5. How To Style Your Brand by Fiona Humberstone

If you're a business owner, you need to understand the basics of visual branding. Fiona is a branding guru, and this book taught me a lot about myself and my brand. I recommend this to everyone! 

After you've worked through "How To Style Your Brand" I would definitely recommend diving even deeper into branding through "Brand Brilliance." This book is a goldmine, and will take your business to a whole new level, visually. 

7. Steal Like An Artist by Austin Kleon

This book is incredibly popular amongst creatives, and for good reason, it is really good. It's also super mini, which means you can get through it really fast. It's also very visual, so if you're not actually into reading, this book is more like looking at lots of infographics! This book talks about how to take inspiration from the art around us, and use it to create brand new art of our own. 

8. Oversubscribed by Daniel Priestly

Want to know how to sell out your business ahead of time? Or get totally booked out for your services? I think thats the dream for every business owner! This book is all about how to do just that, and get people lining up outside your door to get what you're selling (or buy what you're selling online... whatever your business looks like!). I loved this book and tore through it in a day or two. 

9. You Are A Badass by Jen Sincero

My favourite business / self help book of all time... and I've read a lot of books! I love Jen's sense of humor, her relaxed way of looking at life, her slightly hippy mentality, but also this book is the most empowering, motivating book of the bunch. I can't recommend it enough.

10. You Are A Badass At Making Money by Jen Sincero

Jen's follow up to "You Are A Badass" was a book totally dedicated to money. I'm going to be honest, I had this book sitting by my bedside table for a YEAR before I read it... that's how terrified I am of the subject of money. But recently, I've begun to work really hard on my  money mindset and I finally read... and finished.. this book! Let me tell you, it's as good as the first one, and if you have ANY trouble with money (which is most people) you should read this. 

11. Running A Successful Photography Business by Lisa Pritchard

Obviously this book won't be relevant to everyone, but I wanted to include it because I know that many of my readers are photographers, like me! This book is great, especially if you're UK based. It goes into so much detail about the practical side of running a business like licensing your images, how to price yourself, how to pick your niche, how to get clients, etc etc. It's amazing! 

12. Daring Greatly by Brené Brown

Brené Brown has made a career in studying shame and vulnerability. Daring Greatly is all about how we have to open up and embrace the vulnerability inside ourselves. She shows through pretty rigorous studies that without vulnerability, there can be no real connection or growth. It's an amazing book that everyone should read! 


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13. Jab Jab Jab Right Hook by Gary Vaynerchuk

I go through phases of listening to everything Gary says, and phases of needing to block him out completely. He knows his stuff, but can be very intense, and I'm so sensitive, sometimes he gets to me! However, I always recommend him and his book to everyone, because I do think he's a genius when it comes to online business! "Jab Jab Jab Right Hook" is all about the "give give give sell" concept about sharing information and content online and on social media. If we always "ask people to buy" without first offering something in exchange, we'll never sell a thing. I love this book, and it's really helped me in increasing my sales! 

14. The Defining Decade by Meg Jay

If you're in your 20's, whether you like it or not, you need to read this. This book is all about why our twenties are super important years, and why we shouldn't waste them. I'd go pretty far and say that this book totally changed my life, and my mindset about life. It gave me a big push to go after my dreams now, and not wait until I was "old enough and ready." 

15. Essentialism by Greg McKeown

Do you ever struggle with prioritising? Or feel like you need to be doing things that you really don't want to? This book is all about doing only the essentials, and how once we embrace that mentality, everything around us improves. Everyone should read this! 

So there you have it! What are your favourite business / self help books? Do you know of any others that you think I'd like to read? Let me know in the comments section! 


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