Here's Why Sharing A Photo of Yourself Will Increase Your Business

 Photo of me by  Lizzie Churchill

Want to hear an interesting fact? Many of my most liked images on Instagram are photos of me. They're photos of me, sharing something about myself and my life. 

You'd think that would be strange; surely my most liked images should be the photographs I take! And of course, my photographs are very popular, but when I began to make a conscious decision to share more of ME, I noticed a massive shift within my business.

Suddenly, people were speaking to me more. I was receiving private messages. People began to enquire more. I was booked more jobs. I've even had a few people walk up to me in the street to say hello! 

But you know what, I didn't start sharing photos of myself for no reason... there was a very clear thought process behind it. People connect to a face. People can relate to a face. When people know what I look like, my business is no longer cold, scary or intimidating. When I share my face, people begin to know, like, and trust me. 

I regularly share my on Instagram Stories, I ask my followers questions, I share bits about whats going on in my life... and people (ie. potential clients!) relate to those things. 

So the fact is that if you want to boost your business, maybe you should consider sharing more photos of yourself! 

You don't have any photos of yourself that you like?

Maybe I can help *shameless promo time!*

I've got 10 slots available for headshots for creative business owners in October, November and December 2017. These photoshoots are always relaxed, chatty and fun! I like to think of them more like going for a walk with a friend, chatting all things business, and taking a few photos along the way. I won't make you pose awkwardly, or sit in a boring studio with lights flashing in your face.

For a limited time only, I will be offering a 10% discount on both of my headshot packages!

If you'd like to know more about what my headshot sessions are like click here to read all about the process.

Want to get more info? Register your interest Below!



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Pushing Myself Outside Of My Comfort Zone


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