My Goals for 2018

Oh my gosh, I can't quite believe that I did it - 12 posts in 12 days! Here we are, at the final one, and I'm feeling pretty festive now. I hope that you are too :) 

2018 sounds like a really weird year. A year I’d never imagined in my head, until now. With the huge year that 2017 has been, I’m actually extremely excited to see what 2018 has in store. I have a serious hunch it’s going to be even bigger, and better, than 2017. 

So what are my goals for this year? 

Do “The Artists Way” Course: 

“The Artists Way” is a book by Julia Cameron, which was written in the 90’s. It’s got to be one of the most famous books written for creatives out there. It is essentially a 12 week course, written in a book, and artists/creatives around the world have been doing this course for years. It is said to be one of the single best things a creative person can do! 

I bought myself the book a few months ago, but never dedicated the time to it, so this year I’d like to have a real go of it, starting the first week of January! I’ll be sure to keep you all informed on how I get on with it. 

Get Back In Touch With My Newsletter:

At the start of 2017, one of the goals was to begin gathering emails to build an email list. I did that… a bit… and then I had some major shifts within my business. So, the mailing lists felt a bit off kilter for me. I want to start again, from scratch, but this time with much more intention. 

I’d love to write a monthly newsletter, full of inspiration, updates, links to amazing articles, links to the things I’ve been loving. I’m not sure what to call it yet, but I hope it can be a place where I can connect with all of you on a more personal level. 

Would that be of interest to you? What would you like to see in my newsletter?

Start A Podcast:

I've listened to Podcasts for years now, and I absolutely love them. They've become my go to when I want to learn something new, or just get inspired. The idea to start a podcast actually began years ago, while I was still working on Atlas Magazine, however it was never the right time. The idea started to come back to me again about this time last year, but again, fear made me put it off. 

Now, I've decided to look that fear in the face and do what I really want to do - give Podcasting a really good go. I have no name for it yet, but I know that I want it to focus around work life balance, freelancing, building a career as a young woman, and living the life you dream of. It will be interviews with inspirational women (and maybe men, too!), and I hope that they'll be helpful to the people who listen in. 

I'll keep you all up to date on how I'm getting on via my Instagram, as that is where I share my most current and up to date news! In the meantime, if you have any suggestions, or topics you'd love me to discuss, I'd be happy to hear your thoughts! 

Put Myself Out There More:

It’s very easy when you work for yourself to never do any networking at all. I can sit at home for a week at a time, and get loads of work done… but not really make any new connections. In October, I had a few days where I cold emailed a lot of people I wanted to work with, any to my surprise, the responses were far better than I anticipated. So 2018 is going to be the year I put myself out there like that, far more often. I encourage you to do the same. You’ll be shocked by how many connections you can make! 


I’m not going to ever be someone who’s totally “minimal.” I just like pretty things too much, but since the summer, and since bringing Milo home, our apartment just feels like it’s been overrun with.. STUFF. I want to do a serious clear out, one room at a time. We have a really beautiful apartment which I love so much, but I’ve been feeling frustrated with it lately, just because I can’t breath for the amount of stuff we’re hoarding! 


2017 was definitely my year of Yoga. I’d been practicing on and off since around 2010, but I never really hooked. I felt a deep need to calm myself down this year, and yoga was one of the ways I’ve done that. I can’t say my home practice is very good yet… I just can’t seem to get into it on my own. But I absolutely live for my classes, and when I don’t go, I can seriously feel it. So in 2018, I’d really just like to continue on my path with yoga. I dream of attending a week long retreat… so maybe this will be the year I finally do that! 

 Central Ring:  Katie Wu*   , Necklace:  Katie Wu * , Scarf:  Fat Face  , Coat:  Zara  , Sweater:  H&M

Astrology and Moon Cycles:

This isn’t something I talk about very much online, because it’s something I’ve held some shame about for a long time. I’ve been interested in Astrology for as long as I can remember. There was a website called “Zodiac Girls” when I was a preteen, that I used to explore and dig into for hours at a time. But I lost my interest a bit, or maybe just suppressed it, for a very long time. I guess I thought people would think I was weird for being interested in something so mystical.

But towards the end of this year, I bought myself a book, and have been slowly learning all about this pretty fascinating work. It’s extremely complicated, and I still wouldn’t be able to tell you much about what each sign of the zodiac implies, but I’m learning slowly, and I plan to continue exploring this subject throughout 2018. 

So there you have it, the goals I’m setting myself for 2018. As always, these are flexible, and may shift and change over the course of the year… my 2017 goals certainly did! So, what are you goals for the new year? Have you got any? Or do you prefer to just go with the flow? I’d love to know! 

* indicates that I was gifted this product, but I truly love it, and haven't taken it off! 


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