Life and Links | Things I've Been Loving

After what was quite a weird week, I wanted to keep this one a bit more light hearted. It's been a while since I did a little post like this about things that I've been loving, as as someone who really enjoys reading these sorts of posts, I'll definitely try to keep doing them more myself. There's something nice about discovering what other people have been loving that inspires me, and the fact that they're small, bite sized little blog posts makes them quite reader friendly. So here we go!


Let it Out by Katie Daleboute: You've probably noticed a growing trend here, but I'm having a real moment with self help/business/empowerment books. I go on and on about "How To Get From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be" by Jack Canfield, so it's no wonder that there are plenty of other books in that genre that I'm enjoying. I bought "Let It Out" by Katie Dalebout on my iPad a few days ago after hearing a lot about it, and the curiosity got the better of me. Journalling is something I didn't really know much about, or realise that I did it, but it turns out that I kind of do (a bit). I read so many blog posts all the time about other women who have noticed so much improvement in their mental health and all round well-being from journalling, so I thought it would be worth a read. I'm not too far in yet, and I've not started journalling in the ways she suggests yet, but I'm definitely going to be taking up some of her tips. I've even got myself some new, sparkly journals just to get my creative juices flowing. Stay tuned, and who knows, maybe in a few weeks time I'll be writing all about how journaling has change my life, too!


The Defining Decade by Meg Jay: Yes, another book, and yes, it's also a self help/business style on. I purchased this on recommendation from The Private Life of a Girl, and I'm SO GLAD I listened. The Defining Decade is a book all about why people in their 20's should embrace them, grab the bull by the horns and take control of their life... right now! It's totally true that the media paints our 20's as being a time to "let loose and party" but I've always known this to be false. I devoured this book in two days flat (and I'm not the fastest of readers either), and I found it utterly fascinating. It talked about everything from careers, to love lives, to health. It opened my eyes to so many things, and made me consider my 20's in a whole new light. If you're feeling a bit stuck, down, or confused about life, and you're in your 20's (Meg says you can be 20-29 - doesn't matter, read it!), I absolutely recommend picking this up and giving it a go.


Walking On the North Coast: On Saturday morning, we woke up to some pretty dreary weather. This was totally unexpected, as the Met Office had been forecasting lovely weather for the weekend. Bummed out, and not wanting to spend another day stuck in our flat, we got in the car and ventured over to the North coast, hoping the weather would be better. We were right, and we had a lovely walk along the coastal path. I drive Tom crazy because I can't walk more than 100m without stopping and taking photos. I think he forgives me though; look how beautiful it is!


Pokemon Go: I never, ever thought I'd get into this, but I can blame Steph for this. She came to Falmouth on Friday evening to have a much overdue catch up meal with me, and the first thing she did whilst walking to the restaurant was catch herself some Pokemon. I'd obviously heard a lot about the game, and I had downloaded it, but I'd never really taken any time to look at it properly. Steph showed me the ropes, and on our way back again, she got me hooked. Safe to say that I've made excuses for myself to get out of the house and go for a walk, JUST so that I can catch myself some new Pokemon. Not complaining though, it's good for me AND I caught myself a pony this morning! Win win.


The Olympics: Oh the Olympics! I adore big sporting events SO much. Whenever the Football world cup or Euro is on, I get extremely patriotic for my Swiss team. When the Olympics role around every four years, I can't wait to watch the Dressage. Being a little girl obsessed with horses, I watched my fair share of films about girls going to the Olympics and winning gold with their horsie friend (International Velvet, anyone?!), and I definitely day dreamed of doing the same. The reality is that I hated competing, so my gold medal dreams kind of vanished. That doesn't stop me loving watching it though! I'm going to be glued to my TV. Another thing I love? Getting really interested in sports I would never otherwise pay any attention to! What sport are you going to be following during the Olympics?


Getting back into exercise - properly: Speaking of the Olympics, July has been a weird month for me in terms of my health and fitness. I was very busy, be it with photoshoots or magazines, we went away for a week, my PT was on holiday, classes were on hold for summer break, so my usual workout schedule was in turmoil! I got back into running properly this month, which has been AMAZING seeing as I couldn't run for months due to injury. I've been doing more Yoga, and loving that, but the loss of my weight training sessions (for lack of wanting to be inside a dark, sweaty gym when it's so warm and lovely outside!) has made me miss it now. I just had my first PT session in 5 weeks, and it was hard, but so, so satisfying. I can't wait to get back into my more usual routine!


New Purchases: Oh dear. Friday was a fun day, mainly because I really, really didn't want to be indoors anymore. After so many days being stuck inside being sick, I wanted to get out as much as I could. I hadn't been to Truro for a shopping trip in months, and the urge came over me, and I went. I only like shopping on my own, really, so this was a welcome morning of retail therapy. New Look was where I struck gold, and I found loads of pretty tops, some shoes (pictures above) for £6 in the sale and a dress that I've been adoring wearing. I also ventured into the big M&S, and let me tell you, the Indigo collection is stunning! The only annoying thing? They never stock my size. I'm normally an 8-10, and in tops in M&S, I'm definitely an 8. Everything I wanted to try on (bar two items) only had 10's available. I grabbed them anyway to see how they would fit, but sadly for me, they looked ridiculous. Probably a good thing for my bank account, but I did come away with one top which I love!


Instagram Stories: Controversial topic, perhaps, but I am LOVING Instagram Stories. I used Snapchat for years, and I loved it dearly. The addition of the filters took it to a whole new level, and I loved watching people's day to day lives. However, I never really posted much because I never felt like I was really talking to anyone. When Instagram launched Stories, I was instantly talking to a much bigger audience, and able to share my life with them in a little bit more a relaxed way. I love it so much. Yes, there's a few glitches still, and they definitely need to iron out a few things, but I'm sure they won't be far behind. Do I still check Snapchat? Yes, for now I do. Have I noticed a decrease in people posting on there? You bet I have. Oh and if you feel like following me on Instagram, my username is @oliviabossert (or you can just click here!)

What have you been loving lately? I'd love to know in my comments! I hope you have a lovely week, and I'll see you on Friday!


A Castle By The Sea | Bridal Editorial at Caerhays Castle


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