Jessie and Theo | Couple Photoshoot

I'm such a soppy romantic. You probably already knew that after Friday's post where I went on and on about my love for Romeo and Juliet! Well, the romantic side of me has let itself shine again with these images I took of Jessie and Theo last week. They are a young but beautiful (I'm sure you'll agree with me!) couple from Cornwall, and photographing them was so much fun. We headed down to the Helford river, near to where Jessie lives, which made it a relevant spot to both them and me, and giggled while I made them feel awkward and put them into romantic poses.

Couple photography is something I enjoy, but I haven't been able to do a lot of until now. I'll admit that I was slightly nervous about this shoot, but then you always are when you try something a bit new. I had an idea in my head of what I wanted to achieve, but ultimately did what I always did, let the mood and location take over how the images would turn out. That's how I've always worked. I'm not one of those photographers who can plan everything out to the last minute detail. It just doesn't work for me; I get stressed, uninspired and frustrated. If I let myself flow, feel the energy of the day, and just play with my surroundings, that's when the images come to life.

Jessie and Theo were the perfect subjects, and I can't thank them enough for having been patient with me while I got to grips with what I was doing. I love these images so much, and I'm so excited to be sharing them!

If you'd like me to photograph you and your partner being lovey dovey, let me know :) You can email me at (Shameless promo!!)


A Creative Outing to Cardinham Woods


A Week By The Sea