Chasing Stars | Night Sky Photography

 Chasing Stars | Night Sky Photography |

If you follow me on Instagram, you'll have seen last week that I wrote about having a fascination with space and the stars. I can't say I know a huge amount about them, but I've always loved reading about space, watching TV documentaries about the stars, and having my mind blown about the "space time" theory. A lot of the time it's so complicated that I simply don't get it, but the few things I do understand make my imagination go wild.

I was having a work break last week during my lunch time, and it hit me that I could spend it learning a bit more about night sky photography. If you understand how to use a camera, you can pretty much figure out what to do in order to photograph the night sky. I knew the basics, and had done it before, but I knew that if I took the time to watch and learn from people who do it as a living, they would provide insider knowledge that I would never be able to access. I found a video on YouTube by and watched all 45 minutes of it, taking notes of what I wanted to remember.

Come Friday, camera, tripod, remote trigger and boyfriend in tow, we set off around Pendennis Point in Falmouth to put my newly learned skills to the test. I struggled for the first 20 minutes or so, realising that I probably should have also brought a torch, because DAMN it was dark! I also realised just how important a wide angle lens was for night sky photography; something I don't currently own.

We moved around the Point a bit, and eventually found our sweet spot. These photos are the result! The first photo in this post is probably one of my favourite images that I've ever taken. For professional night sky photographers, they can probably see all kinds of problems with it. But I don't care, I love it! I think it's beautiful, mysterious and magical.

One things for sure, I've got the night sky photography bug, and I can't WAIT to get back out there.

 Chasing Stars | Night Sky Photography |
 Chasing Stars | Night Sky Photography |
 Chasing Stars | Night Sky Photography |
 Chasing Stars | Night Sky Photography |
 Chasing Stars | Night Sky Photography |

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