A 6 Month Low FODMAP Update

Low FODMAP Foods

I've been on the Low FODMAP diet now for roughly 6 months, and I'm still a firm believer in it being life changing. I've had a lot of time to reflect now on how it's impacted my life, and I can really say I've never felt better. If you asked me a year ago how I was, I would probably say that I was fine, but the reality was that Iwas still struggling with my diet, pretty much daily. Not helped by the health and fitness industry which promotes the eating of various high FODMAP foods (which are fine and very healthy for people who don't have my problems!) but as a result, I was being made ill by these seemingly healthy foods.

6 months on, and I'm still healthy, with a balanced diet, but not just that: I know what I can eat now! Well... almost! I'm still in the reintroduction/testing phase. Because I have quite a busy life, it makes testing what foods I tolerate quite difficult. If I have to travel one week, I can't test any foods more than 2-3 days before I go, because if I do react, it will be horrible when I travel. Likewise if I've got any big events, or need to go to any meetings or just have lots of important work that needs doing... I can't risk feeling ill. So most of the time, I've been sticking to all low FODMAP foods, because I just know I'll be ok!

What have I actually tested? Wheat & Onions. Result? I tolerate a small amount of wheat, and a small amount of onion without too much trouble. I've noticed that if I go out for a meal and the dish contains onion, more often than not I'll feel a bit funny the following two days, but nothing near as bad as before.

So clearly, I have a LOT more foods which I need to test out. Honey is next on my list and I want to do that in the next few days... but I keep forgetting! It's so easy to just stick to the foods I know work for me, especially now that I've adapted most of my dishes to be low FODMAP.

How are you getting on with the reintroduction phase of the low FODMAP diet? Any tips or advice for me?


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