Why I Love Peppermint Tea

Peppermint Tea

Would you believe me if I told you that until 3 years ago, I never drank anything hot? Much to my family's horror, I never wanted tea, or hot drinks. I wasn't even a huge fan of hot chocolate. I didn't like the taste of normal breakfast tea (I still don't), I don't like coffee, and I just never craved warm drinks. If I had a cold, I was always encouraged to have a hot drink, but pretty much always refused.

Now, not a huge amount has changed; I still don't drink vast amounts of hot drinks. However, one sneaky sneak has creeped into my life, and that is peppermint tea. If you have tummy problems like me, you'll probably have heard that peppermint tea is helpful. Needless to say, I reached a point of desperation two or three years ago, and was seeking help wherever I could to sooth my sore tummy. I had been advised peppermint tea for ages, but always ignored it because I didn't enjoy hot drinks. But one horrible day, I gave in, and it was love. Oh, peppermint tea, how I love you so.

They say that mint has been being used as an indigestion solution since biblical times. But why is peppermint so helpful in soothing stomach ails? Peppermint has anti-bacterial properties. The menthol in it it relaxes the muscles in your digestive system, allowing for everything to flow and function much better! It's proven to help in the reduction of heartburn by improving the flow of bile in your stomach. The added benefit of muscle relaxation from the menthol is in stress relief. Because IBS (and so much tummy trouble) is so highly affected by stress, relaxing muscles is a step in the right direction to feeling more relaxed.

You don't need to be suffering to use peppermint though. It's a lovely tasting drink; soothing and calming which I have almost every night after a meal. I couldn't recommend it enough. Added benefit: it helps to debloat! Everyone wants a flat tummy, right? It's just a win win situation!

As for which tea I like the most? I'm addicted to Pukka Tea! 

What is your go to tea? Do you have any others you'd like to recommend me?

PS. Can we take a moment to appreciate the fact that there is an actual photo of me on here, and even more, the fact that Tom took it! #photographerinthemaking


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