Coconut Whipped Cream

Coconut Whipped Cream

Remember the chocolate cake I made the other day? I've found it's missing link; Coconut whipped cream! I've never really used cream for much in my life. Mainly because of the whole lactose thing. But sometimes you just want some creamy goodness to go alongside your cake (or berries, or anything!).

We had Tom's parents round our house the other night to watch the Rugby (we won't even begin to discuss that...) and I had an hour or two before they arrived where I sat down on the sofa and did nothing. "GASP! You did nothing for two whole hours?!" I sat, caught up on Snapchat stories, did some "Pinterest-ing", and read a magazine. Bliss! It was sitting on the sofa that I remembered I had put a can of coconut milk in the fridge with the intention of making coconut whipped cream.

Coconut Whipped Cream

This cream is honestly so simple to make, it feels almost silly me writing this post. But if I don't, you might miss out on this really yummy (and far healthier) dessert accompaniment.

You'll need:1 400ml Can of Coconut Milk (full fat)1 tsp Coconut SyrupThe coconut syrup can be replaced for maple syrup, honey, rice malt syrup or liquid stevia. Go with what ever you fancy.

Method:1. The night before you make you're going to make/serve your dessert, place your can of coconut milk in the fridge, upright.2. Just before your guests arrive, or before you eat your dinner, take the can out of the fridge, open it up and carefully scoop out the fat of the coconut into a bowl. A     separation between the coconut fat and coconut milk will have occurred over night, and that is what you want.3. Make sure you keep them separate. You can drink the coconut milk, or use it for smoothies!4. Use either a hand whisk, or a food processor to slowly whisk the coconut milk into a smooth, thick cream. I used my food processor on it's slowest setting               because I don't have a hand whisk.5. Once whisked, add in the coconut syrup, and slowly whisk again for a few seconds.6. Serve!

I would love to hear how you get on with your coconut whipped cream!

Coconut Whipped Cream

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