Holidays: How To Stay Healthy While Travelling

Holiday's are meant to be the most relaxing times of the year for everyone. For me, that's not always the case. I love to travel, explore different countries, and especially, get away from my day to day routine. However, when you suffer with food allergies, and tummy problems, it can become more stressful than it seems.I've been in The Azores, Portugal, for the past few days, and it's beautiful. The landscape is incredible, the people are lovely, and I've been able to experience new things.

I knew that getting here would be difficult with my diet. Dairy is literally the main export for the islands, and it's my worst enemy! So I did what I could to prepare, and allowed myself to indulge while being healthy as well.

Breakfast: If you're able to prepare food yourself, head down to the local shop and grab some eggs, avocado, wholemeal toast and some hummus. Poached eggs on hummus and avocado toast in the morning is an incredibly filling meal. The eggs and hummus are full of protein, and the high fat in the avocado, plus the slow releasing energy of the wholemeal toast will keep you full for ages. Just check it's not got more than 5g of sugar in it per slice! Need something quicker? Wholemeal toast and a bit of organic or raw honey is incredible. I like to eat that with a big glass of water and a peppermint tea.

Lunch: If you're eating out in a restaurant, try to go for anything that's grilled, steamed or boiled. Avoiding fried, creamy, breaded, or stuffed... it's more likely to be filled with hidden fats you don't need! Are they offering you french fries? It's ok to get them once or twice (you're body can handle it) but as much as possible, get steamed or grilled veggies, a fresh salad, or if you're dying for some carbs (I often am!) boiled potatoes are the way to go. If they've got sweet potatoes, even better! (Most places never do... *sigh*)

If you're eating in, same goes really! Make yourself a big salad, cook up some brown rice and throw in some grilled chicken, tuna or veggies. Something I always crave on holiday is tuna, sweetcorn and mayonnaise (my mum made it for us when we were kids) but now I swap out the mayo for hummus, throw in a pinch of salt, and some green beans.



Healthy Chocolate Chip Pancakes