My Favourite Health and Fitness Websites

The main way I got into health & fitness was by discovering other peoples' fitness journeys. I find stories of people better themselves or overcoming challenges extremely interesting and inspiring. So today I thought I would share with you some of my favourite websites to inspire you!

Tone It UpThese were probably the girls that got me from thinking about gymming a bit, to taking it very seriously. First of all, just look at them! Who doesn't want to look like a Californian beach babe? I certainly do! I have their nutrition plan which I followed for a while, and still do to a certain extent. They encourage us all to live clean, green and lean, and it's a mantra I try to keep in my head. The nutrition plan is wonderful value for money: it's a  one off fee, and you continue to receive the updates for the rest of your life. The sense of community these girls have created is out of this world, and the workouts are really really good! If you're looking for somewhere to get started with working out and starting to eat clean, Karena & Katrina are your girls.

Jessica SepelJessica's website is all about healthy food, and most of all, a healthy balance. She's somebody I only discovered recently, but it was love at first sight! I'm obsessed with her hair (WANT!) but also her food is just incredible. She writes lovely blog posts, and is really knowledgable about food and nutrition. She's recently released a book, but is only available in Australia for the time being. It's coming out in the UK next year, and I can't wait! I've got her EBooks, and they're really great.

The Skinny ConfidentialLauryn is another cali beach babe, but she's all about keeping healthy living fun! I love her blog posts, and her writing style. It gets me chuckling every time. She's honest, and not afraid to get personal about her own body and I love that. If you're looking for a website that's got fitness, style, food and fun all rolled into one, this is one I recommend.

Fit Personality/Katy Gracefully I'm obsessed with Katy. I want to be her. This girl is fearless, hilarious and beautiful. She took her Freshman 15, and turned it on its head, only to become a seriously hot runner, whilst building up her blog. Katy comes across as the most genuine girl ever. I love her writing style.. but most of all I want her life! Running around in Hawaii sounds like a dream. Check Katy out if you want motivation to get out there and get fit, but have loads of fun while doing it.

PinterestSound weird? No but seriously, it may be obvious but Pinterest is brilliant when it comes to inspiration and motivation for healthy living. If I'm ever stuck in a rut with no idea what to make for dinner, one quick browse and I've got 1000000 ideas. Need motivation to work out? I'm not a massive fan of staring at women with six packs because, personally, it has the opposite effect on me and just makes me feel like poo. But one thing that Pinterest is full of is workouts and how to's, and they're usually so easy to follow, before you know it you've done a whole workout, and you're feeling great! What are you waiting for? Get pinning!


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