5 Magazines That I Love

5 Magazines That I Love - oliviablogs.comBeing the editor in chief of Atlas Magazine, I'm constantly being asked about magazines, and which ones I love. The truth is that I'm absolutely addicted to magazines. Truly, I am! I buy magazines constantly (much to Tom's chagrin when our house is filled with them) and I'm very aware that I spend too much money on them. Call it research?

Women's Health UK: It's a well documented fact that I enjoy working out and living a healthy lifestyle. I certainly go through waves of being more obsessed than others, but no matter how I'm feeling, I'm always going to pick up Women's Health. I bought the very first Women's Health UK issue that came out and got immediatly hooked. WH has been around for years in the USA, but it's pretty new in the UK still. It's great! It's definitely a more commercial magazine, but it's colourful, fun, it's always got really interesting articles in it, and I've genuinely found great recipes in it many times. If you're interested in health and fitness, or you're curious about it, WH UK is definitely a great magazine to pick up.

Violet Magazine: On a completely different spectrum, Violet Magazine is very indie, and very cool. Violet was founded by Leith Clark, the founder of Lula (she left Lula to start Violet) and again, I picked up the very first issue ever of Violet when it launched. I probably read every single page of that magazine. I was obsessed! Violet's focus is on women, celebrating their femininity, curiosity and style. I've learnt a lot about many women in reading this magazine, and been really inspired by it. It was probably one of my biggest influences in wanting to take Atlas to print in December 2014.

Delayed Gratification: Quite unusual for me, and not something I would normally think of myself as reading, but Delayed Gratification really is a wonderful magazine. I discovered DG after meeting the editors of the magazine at a workshop I attended two years ago. DG's tagline is "the world's first Slow Journalism magazine, a beautiful quarterly publication which is proud to be 'Last to Breaking News" and that pretty much sums it up perfectly. Unlike the rest of the media who rush to tell stories as they're happening (sometimes before they've even really happened by prepping articles in advance -- yes really, that happens!), each issue of Delayed Gratification looks back at the past three months of news in retrospective. This allows them to really dive deep into stories, getting to grips with what really happened, without all the noise of the media surrounding it. It's an absolutely brilliant publication, not only because it's clever, but also because of the way it's produced. Filled with infographics which make reading fun, and beautiful photography, each issue is an item you'll want to display on your coffee table for people to browse through.

Cereal: Probably one of the most famous of the indie magazines out there (and for good reason) I adore Cereal. A travel magazine with a minimal style, Cereal is a magazine you'll read slowly, enjoying each page like it's a work of art. This magazine has definitely been used as inspiration for Atlas. Their use of layout and text is unlike anything I'd ever seen before getting my hands on a copy of this. If you're planning any trips and want some serious inspiration, get your hands on a copy of Cereal. It's also well worth following Cereal on social media, as they are curated to perfection. Founders Rosa Park and Rich Stapleton are also worth following, especially on Instagram. If you want a great podcast to listen to, then listen to Rosa's interview with Filler Podcast!

In Clover: Founded by a good friend of mine Bryony Hipkin, In Clover is a magazine focused on slow living. Quite varied in it's content, it looks at fashion, travel, culture and food, but all tied together with a "slow living" attitude. If you have no idea what I'm going on about when I talk about slow living, it's the idea of getting offline and back to real life. This is something that I try my hardest to do whenever I can, because so much of my life revolved around the internet. You won't find In Clover on Facebook, and they update their website and Instagram only very occasionally, because really being digital is what they're not about. I love it. Filled with inspiring content and beautifully designed, I urge you to pick up a copy of In Clover, and to support a fellow independent magazine producer.

There are so many more that I could tell you about, but I'll save them for my next post! In the mean time, I hope that these suggestions give you some reading to look forward to and help to inspire you. If you fancy it, why not grab a copy of Atlas as well? *shameless self promo*

5 Magazines That I Love - oliviablogs.com

5 Magazines That I Love - oliviablogs.com


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