Being Kind To Ourselves Within Business

A couple of days ago, I was having a chat with my friend Jessica Rose Williams(for something exciting coming very soon ;) ...), and we got to talking about the flu I'd had. If you didn't know, just after coming home from a skiing holiday with friends, I caught a dreadful flu. It had me bed ridden for pretty much three days with the cough from hell! Needless to say, I couldn't get much work done. 

I was telling Jessica how frustrating it was, and how guilty I felt because I'd had *almost* two weeks away from my business. 

Jessica simply said: "We've just got to be kinder to ourselves, don't we!" 

And she was so right. 

Too often I hear people say the words: "I say things to myself that I would never say to my worst enemy." Jessica said it, and I nodded along. 

Why are we so cruel to ourselves? 

Whilst I was sick, I wanted to be able to feel productive, but I physically didn't have the energy to take my dog outside for a wee (he spent the day at my boyfriend's parents house in the end, thank goodness!), let alone sit at my desk and get any productive work done. Yet, despite my lack of energy, and obvious illness (hello coughing fits), I was riddled with guilt that I wasn't "being productive."

I think the worst part of it all was sitting on my phone, scrolling through Instagram, and seeing how productive everyone else was being around me. And I know all about Instagram being nothing but a highlight reel. 

So what can we do? I guess that we simply have to constantly remind ourselves to be kinder. To be kinder to our bodies, to be patient with ourselves. Whether we're sick, or just having a bad day, feeling totally uninspired, or really just want to get out and enjoy the sunshine that is so rare in the UK - we've just got to be kinder. 

I think the first step in all of this is simply to notice. Before you can make a change, you need to notice when it happens (which can be harder than it seems!) Paying attention to the words we use in our own heads; being mindful.

I'm going to try extremely hard to notice any evil little voices in my head, and kindly tell them to be quiet. If I notice myself saying nasty things, not get angry with myself, but remind myself that that voice is not necessarily right. 

Do you have trouble with being kinder to yourself? What do you do to fight guilt and evil voices in your head? I'd love to know! Let me know in the comment section. 


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