A Walk in Devoran

Living in Cornwall means we can pretty much get up and go somewhere beautiful any day of the week. The weather might not always be great (it's still England!) but when it is, it makes it all so worth while. Last weekend, (while nursing a pretty sore wisdom tooth) Tom and I thought we'd take advantage of the nice weather we were having and go for a walk in Devoran; a spot I'd not yet explored. Only about a 15 minute drive from Falmouth, Devoran is a town located on the banks of the tidal Carnon River.

We went at low tide, so there was barely any water in the river, but that didn't stop it being beautiful. When the tide is out like it was for us, you can walk along the (muddy) river bed. There are lots of cute stepping stones laid out, which makes the walk good fun! But if the tide is in (which I think would be even more stunning), or you don't fancy getting muddy shoes, there is a foot and cycle path.

All along the river banks there are benches with great views. We're a bit sad in that we quite like to take a book or magazine out with us, and be very antisocial and sit on a bench and read. It makes passers by feel super uncomfortable as they try and be quiet as they walk by, or look at the view we're sat at.

There are so many little spots like this, spread out all around the county, and in the 5 years I've lived here, I've yet to explore most of them. I'm definitely going to go back to Devoran on a day when the tide is higher, and my tooth is hurting less, so that I can enjoy it a bit more!


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