7 Books Every Creative Entrepreneur Should Read

With Christmas fast approaching, everyone’s starting to think about winding down for the festivities. I don’t know about you, but whenever I have a bit more quiet time, that’s when I read the most. And with the new year approaching, I’m thinking about my next business year, and how I’d like to progress… and with that, normally comes a bunch of new book purchases! Now, I’m currently building up my Amazon Wish List, and I’ll happily share with you what I’ve bought later on, but till then, I thought I’d share with you my list of books that I think every creative entrepreneur should read! 

You Are A Badass by Jen Sincero:

One of my favourite books from 2017, I read it in about three days (fast for me!). It can get a bit spiritual at times, but if you're not into that, I'd recommend reading anyway, and ignoring those bits. This book helps you identify your limiting beliefs, gives great pep talks, and figure out exactly what you want from life.

Start With Why by Simon Sinek:

You may have seen Simon Sinek's Youtube video where he does a summary of his book - and that video itself is mind blowing. So wait until you dive into the whole book. This is all about how important it is for businesses to know WHY they do what they do, and not just how. It also proves that without knowing your WHY, you'll just never be as successful as you could be.

Essentialism by Greg McKeown:

Do you do too many things at once? I know I fall into that habit, especially when it comes to do lists! Essentialism is all about examining exactly what we NEED to be doing, instead of what we think we should be doing. This slightly blew my mind, and changed my life. Read it! 

How To Style Your Brand by Fiona Humberstone:

Something a bit more "pretty," I devoured this book and learnt so much in a few days. I'm really into branding, and whenever I come across a brand who's got their visuals and wording all together, I'm hooked. How To Style Your Brand is perfect if you're just getting started in business and want to set off on the right foot. It's also perfect if you've been in business a long time, and want to be sure you're happy with where you're at. 

Oversubscribed by Daniel Priestly:

I read this book quite recently, and found it fascinating. It gave me a new vision of business that I hadn't before. Basically, Oversubscribed is all about how to make your business, well, oversubscribed. It explores why people will queue for hours for a product, or pay way more for one thing when they could get a very similar product elsewhere. I loved this, and highly recommend! 

Daring Greatly by Brené Brown:

A beautiful book all about the topic of vulnerability, and how it's the single hardest thing we have to do as humans: expose ourselves. Yet, it also shows us why it's the most important thing we can do. This might not seem like it's directly related to business, but for me it really helped open my eyes about certain things I was doing in my business that I could shift and change. One of my favourite books! 

How To Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie:

This book is such a classic, and for good reason: it's really, really good. If you're interested in exploring human psychology, and understanding how to read people better, you'll automatically be a better business owner. I find the blurb of this book can be a bit intimidating (all about how to be popular and how to convince people you're right about stuff) but when you get into it, it isn't at all scary or pushy. I highly recommend this to everyone, business owner or not!

So there you go, all the books I highly recommend to any creative business owner for 2018 :) What books would you recommend to me? I'm still gathering suggestions, so let me know in the comments, or on Instagram!


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