6 Essential Pieces For Your Gym Kit

Essential Pieces for your Gym Kit - Oliviablogs.com

If you were to pull out the box from under my bed, you would see just how many gym clothes I have. I don't think people realise this, but if you go to the gym a lot, you sweat a lot. This means that every time you go to the gym, you're going to sweat into said gym clothes, and they'll need washing. If you're one of those blessed people who can do a 45 minute HIIT workout and not look like you've jumped into a pool, let me tell you that I'm green with envy. Let's just say that the vast majority of our laundry basket is gross, sweaty gym clothes. But the bonus in all of this is that I have a wonderful excuse to purchase even more awesome gymwear -- yay!

Essential Pieces for your Gym Kit - Oliviablogs.com

I'm a firm believer that if you buy yourself really cool, flattering gym wear, you'll be far more inclined to get in there and get sweaty. If you've ever needed motivation to get sporty, kitting yourself up is it! So here is a list of my 6 pieces of essential gym kit. They're things I use all the time, and can't go without!

Essential Pieces for your Gym Kit - Oliviablogs.com
  1. Nike FlyKnit TrainersMaybe this is really cliché, but Nike really do make the coolest shoes! I've got 4 pairs. But don't judge me yet! Two pairs I've had for over 2 years, and they've definitely been used very well. I don't use them in the gym so much anymore because they've lost their shape and support a bit, but they still look great for the day to day, so I now where them out and about. My actual gym trainers are new, which I got on sale after Christmas, and they're sooooo comfy. If you haven't ever tried a pair of Nike FlyKnits yet, you haven't lived. I wear these in the gym for my resistance training. If you want to running, I recommend heading into a shop and getting a professional to advise you on what shoe works for your foot; the wrong running shoe can lead to so many knee/shin/hip problems.

  2. Cool Leggings (photographed!)When I first started going to the gym, all I owned were black leggings. But the more I went, the more I wanted to jazz things up. My go to sports equipment shop is H&M. A few years ago, they're sports clothes were pretty basic, but in the last two years or so, H&M have totally upped their game in the "cool" department! Not too expensive, and very comfortable, H&M is my go to if I want to guarantee finding something different, trendy and affordable all at once. I've also bought really nice ones from Forever 21 before, but haven't been back in there for a long time.

  3. Shock Absorber Sports Bra I wrote a post all about why it's so important to wear a good sports bra here, however Shock Absorber is the brand I love the most! I've tried many, ranging from super cheap (see H&M) to medium priced to really expensive, and I hate to say it guys but with sports bras, you get what you pay for. Now, this probably doesn't apply to ladies who are lucky enough to not have big boobies (trust me, when you're into sports, you're blessed if you're under a C cup!) but for us ladies with bigger boobies, wearing a good sports bra can be the difference between a good work out, and spending the whole time holding onto your chest. Not a good look. Shock Absorber are great because they've not only got one strap at the back, but most of them also have one higher up nearer your neck. So when I say you're strapped in, you are well and truly strapped in! Invest in one, and you won't be sorry.

  4. Gym GlovesGym gloves have become kind of essential to me. So much so, that I have more than one pair: one pair for wearing, and one pair for wearing when those need a wash. I've already said that I'm a really sweaty person, but I also get really sweaty palms. This isn't just in the gym; I get sweaty palms just watching a slightly tense film. But in the gym, it can make it really hard to lift and hold onto any heavy weights. So I invested in some gloves. They're really not expensive at all, and it has made all the difference. It also stops me from getting horrible, hard skin on my palms! I want to keep my delicate, lady hands, please!

  5. Gym BagNow I wouldn't say this is essential at all, any bag will do. But recently, I bought myself (while it was on sale) a bag designed specifically for gym equipment. The main reason I love this, is that it's big enough for me to be able to fit a change of clothes into, my make up bag, and my shoes. It's even got a little "shoe garage" (ie. a seperate compartment for my gym shoes). Essentially, this is just a cute bag, designed especially for the gym, that I can keep all my stuff in. Essential? Not really. Cute? Totally.

  6. Sports SweatersAgain, something that I wouldn't say you need, but if you like to run outdoors (something I enjoy but can't do at the moment due to knee injuries), investing in some breathable sweaters, designed especially for running outdoors in is really not a bad idea. You need something lightweight, flexible and breathable. I've tried running in a normal cotton hoodie, and trust me, it's just nothing compared to running in something designed for the activity you're doing!

So there you go! 6 things that I think make up an brilliant workout wardrobe. I've never yet bought myself "workout underwear" but I know it certainly does exist. Am I missing out?! #sexy. I've also given up on workout socks. They probably make the difference, but I'm notoriously lazy when it comes to matching socks.... so not much point in the end, is there?!

I'd love to know what you use, and if you have any awesome brands to recommend me, then please let me know! I'm keen to try out some Lululemon...but this girl isn't made of money!

PS. I totally don't work out in such heavy make up. Don't do it, you get spots and black eyeliner all over your face (Been there, done that!).

Essential Pieces for your Gym Kit - Oliviablogs.com
Essential Pieces for your Gym Kit - Oliviablogs.com
Essential Pieces for your Gym Kit - Oliviablogs.com

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