Healthy Living Books I Recommend To Everyone

Healthy Living Books

I love books so much, it's a dangerous love affair. I could fill a bookcase with books and magazines in days if I wanted to. However I'm not a massive novel reader. I have a thirst for knowledge, so I tend to buy a lot of non fiction books. I've read a fair few books about nutrition and healthy living in the past few years, and I though't I would share a list of a few of my favourites.

Deliciously EllaYes, this is technically a cookbook, but it's also packed full of knowledge in the first few pages about food, nutrition, and Ella's personal journey on overcoming a debilitating illness through food. It's fascinating and her recipes are wonderful too. Sadly, a lot of them at very high in FODMAPs, so I can't make a lot of them without modifying them, but it doesn't stop be loving the book!

I Quit SugarThere's a lot of talk at the moment on how bad sugar is for us. I, for one, agree with that statement. I've seen what a huge difference cutting out sugar can do for people, as well as for me. I bought Sarah Wilson's book out of curiosity, but I love it. Not only is it fascinating to read, visually it's great fun, and the recipes inside it are really tasty!

The Body BookCameron Diaz is not somebody I know a lot about. I've seen her a lot of her films, but she isn't someone I pay a huge amount of attention to... until I read her book. It's really interesting, full of really vital information about health and nutrition, but also about being a woman and how and why we should respect our bodies. The Body Book is one I pick up regularly to flick through.

Wheat BellyI read Wheat Belly very recently, after I began cutting out wheat and gluten for the Low FODMAP diet. There's so much talk about how going "gluten free" is a trend. I agree to an extent, because a lot of women go gluten free with the aim to lose weight. This, however, doesn't always work and cutting out gluten isn't a guaranteed way to lose weight. Free from sections in supermarkets are growing faster than ever, and to a certain extent that is great, but the vast majority of foods in these items are even worse for you than gluten is. Reading Wheat Belly really opened my eyes to not only how bad wheat and gluten impact our bodies, but also why simply replacing them with "gluten free products" isn't the solution.

The Eat Clean DietThis was the very first "healthy" book I bought. I was 19, and starting to venture into wanting to eat a cleaner, healthier diet. Tosca Reno's book made is clear and easy for me to grasp the basics of a healthier lifestyle and I couldn't recommend it more to anyone who has no clue about what is and isn't healthy food, but really wants to learn.

Eat. Nourish. GlowAmelia Freer's book is visually lovely, and packed full of interesting perspectives on health. I did find at times that I felt a bit shouted at or told off (does that make any sense at all?!) but overall, it's really interesting, and if you're wanting to read a book about health and nutrition from a qualified nutritionist who clearly knows what she's talking about, this is one to pick up. I'm not kidding when I read the whole thing in 2 hours in the airport while waiting to catch a flight!

Do you have any books to recommend me?


How To Easily Reduce Your Sugar Intake


Overnight Oats