2023 in Review: My Top 3 Takeaways as a Fashion Photographer

2023 in Review: My Top 3 Takeaways as a Fashion Photographer

2023 was mega for me. I've already shared a lot of that with you.

I got married!

I rebranded my education business.

I relaunched the podcast.

I worked with some absolute DREAM photography clients.

I had a blast.

But I also learnt some big lessons, so let me share 3 of them with you today.

Pitching Still Works + It Can Be Simple:

Lol, surprise surprise. But it wouldn't be me if I didn't share this, right?! I've already said that this year was the year that I did the least amount of pitching yet.

However, I leaned into introduction emails more than ever before, and they were SUPER effective.

I definitely had a preconceived idea that proposals would get me further, and used to spend a lot longer working on them. But this year, I tried a different tactic, and it paid off.

I shared that 70% of the client work that I did this year was with new clients. 53% of my work came from pitches… that just shows me that pitching is still MEGA!

If you're not already, make 2024 the year you go all in on pitching.

➡️ Download my free pitching template ⬅️

I don't need an agent:

I started off 2023 with a very clear intention of getting myself a photography agent.

I had a few meetings, some went well, and some didn't. By the end of Q1, I was feeling pretty deflated, and honestly, quite sad. Agents weren't getting anywhere, and I gave up.

I then decided to go back to doing what had always worked for me historically and doubled down on believing that I could progress in the way that I wanted to, without the need for an agent.

That totally worked out, and I definitely did prove to myself that I am more than capable of seeing growth without the help of an agent.

In 2024, I'm back to exploring the possibility of representation, but from a very different place. I don't NEED an agent, and I know that. The only reason to signing up with one would be because they are an absolute perfect fit, and share my vision, respect what I want to achieve, and want to support me to make that happen.

We'll see what happens, and I'll keep you posted!

I don't want to shoot more than 2 or 3 times a month:

I've kind of always known this, but until recently, I never actually implemented it. I never had the guts to put my foot down and say:

“Sorry, I'm at full capacity for this month.”

But in the last few months, I've really respected my desire to work on bigger projects, with bigger budgets, but fewer shoots per month, and I tell you what, it's been amazing.

I enjoy it SO much more, get to feel much more creative, and rest in between jobs. My energy levels are better, I'm happier in myself, and feeling so much more balanced!

What about you? What are your biggest takeaways of 2023? Drop me an email and tell me! I'd love to hear.

— Olivia


My 4 Biggest Fails of 2023 as a Fashion Photographer


Advance Your Photography Career Without an Agent Through Pitching