20 Things That Make Me Happy

Christmas time is such a happy time of year, and I wanted to take the time to write a list down of what makes me feel happy. This is something I try to think about regularly, especially if I have a particularly stressful day (which does happen more than I'd like). I think taking the time to reflect a bit on happiness is really important to everyone; it reminds us how much we've got to be happy about. So here is my little list of 20 things that make me happy.

  1. Cuddles

  2. Getting home from the gym and feeling exhausted but also really positive

  3. The smell of Christmas that seems to be everywhere right now

  4. Knowing I'm going back to Switzerland in a weeks time and spending time with my family

  5. Getting excited about photography again

  6. Working on Atlas

  7. Reading a really good book

  8. Listening to the Greg James BBC Radio 1 Podcast. It makes me laugh out loud every time!

  9. Dinner with friends

  10. Sitting down in the evening and watching Youtube or reading blogs

  11. Buying my favourite magazines at the start of every month

  12. The smell of horses

  13. Putting my makeup on (and getting my eyeliner even).

  14. Buying Christmas presents for the people I love (and probably spending far too much money on them).

  15. Baking

  16. A bed with clean sheets on it

  17. Burning candles at night

  18. Listening to old songs I loved years ago

  19. Feeling proud of my friends all accomplishing so much

  20. Warm cosy jumpers when it's cold outside

What makes you happy at the moment? Let me know in the comments bellow.


What I'd Like to do in 2016


Chocolate Maca "Zoats"