💰 Raise your prices, negotiate better rates, and sell with ease 💰


You deserve to be paid well for your fashion photography.

You might already be earning a living from fashion photography… but you want to earn more.

Your portfolio of work is beautiful, but where is the return on investment?

And the clients that you currently have… they’re just not paying you well enough.

You’re in the right place if you’re ready to change all of that!



You’re getting enquiries, but so frustrated that you’re not actually winning the jobs.

You can’t stand the thought of being ghosted AGAIN after sharing your rates.

You’re so tired of saying yes to lower paid jobs, even though you hate them.

You’re fed up with undercharging and overdelivering.

In this step-by-step online course, you will be guided by fashion photographer Olivia Bossert, as she teaches you how to work out your unique pricing strategy, negotiate with clients to get paid a profit, and manage your money through wise investments and processes.

Olivia covers the foundations of how to establish your creative day rates so that you ensure that you are profitable immediately. She will also show you how to negotiate with clients in a way that ensures you’ll get a yes, and that doesn’t feel salesy.

Finally, you’ll learn how to manage your finances, make wise investments in your career, and ensure you’re always making a profit as a photographer.

Created for photographers who are finally ready to stop living paycheck to paycheck, and start generating real financial abundance for themselves - Profitable Fashion Photographer will help you to get there.


🔈 What students are saying:

Your images make your clients money. You get to be compensated for that.

from shooting totally for free, to now sending invoices of over £20,000

I’m a Swiss/British fashion photographer, fantasy book reading, Formula One loving, and dog mum with over 10 years in the industry.

I’m on a mission to get rid of the fashion industries gatekeeping tendencies once and for all, and help photographers from anywhere in the world be be successful in fashion.

Over the years, I’ve booked magazine shoots with Vogue Portugal, ELLE Croatia, ELLE Singapore, Harpers BAZAAR Malaysia, Marie Claire Arabia and so many more. I’ve also booked jobs with brands like Manolo Blahnik, Daisy Jewellery, RIXO, etc.

I started right at the bottom, shooting totally for free, to now sending invoices of over £20,000 to clients. I’m so excited to bring you this course, encompassing everything that I now know about pricing, profit and selling within the fashion photography business.


  • When I first started as a fashion photographer, I was charging less than £200 a day. Fast forward to now, and I command over £4000 for most shoots. By learning from me, you’ll discover how to significantly raise your rates, confidently charge more for your next job, and do it all without feeling salesy or sleazy.

  • When I first started, clients dicated the rates I was paid. I struggled with negotiation. Today, I negotiate my fees with absolute confidence, and I’ll teach you how to do the same.

  • I’ve developed a unique Usage strategy that not only aligns with 2024 industry standards but also delights my clients and boosts my earnings. In this course, I’ll share this strategy in detail, along with exclusive access to my custom GPT-programmed “Usage Advisor Calculator.”

  • You feel like you’re useless with money

  • You feel like you’ll never get paid big money for a shoot… ever!

  • You don’t feel like you’re worth being paid by brands

  • You don’t think you can raise your rates without getting told NO by clients

  • You don’t see how you could ever turn a profit from photography

  • You’re fed up with getting enquiries but never booking jobs

  • You’re so intimidated by brands that you don’t dare share your rates

this might be how you’re feeling right now….


Inside the self paced PROFITABLE FASHION PHOTOGRAPHER course:

Once you join Pitching With Confidence you’ll get instant access to:

  • a pricing calculator: Work out your UNIQUE profitable pricing, so you can confidently share your rates with clients and ensure you’re making a profit.

  • a Usage Calculator: Determine usage rates for your shoots in line with industry standards for 2024, so you can be competitive, meet your clients’ needs, AND get paid what you deserve for usage.

  • Detailed Lessons: Learn how to reply to emails with your rates, sell yourself confidently as a fashion photographer, negotiate effectively, and manage your finances. You’ll leave with answers to every question you’ve ever had about finances!

  • Money Mindset Module: Overcome money mindset issues, banish limiting beliefs about money, and master your sales mindset once and for all.

  • PLUS so much more…


This is Olive - Your Profitable Pricing Advisor

Olive is a Custom GPT (like Chat GPT) programmed by me to help you work out your unique, minimum profitable rate.

Olive is friendly, easy to use, and will do ALL the math for you.

Here’s how she works:

  • Olive asks you the questions she needs answers to to work out your unique rates

  • She does the math for you

  • She advises you what on you should be charging as an absolute minimum to ensure you’re profitable

This is Bossy- Your Usage Advisor

Bossy is a Custom GPT (like Chat GPT) programmed by me to help you work the usage for any job that you get - for the standards of the industry in 2024.

Bossy is friendly, easy to use, and will do ALL the math for you.

Here’s how she works:

  • Bossy will ask you about your photoshoot.

  • She does the math for you

  • She advises you what you should be charging for your usage on any project


Some of my clients include:


  • You’re already making some or all of your money from fashion photography, but you’re ready to make even more.

  • Have had clients, but you’re not earning what you’d like to from those shoots

  • You have a portfolio of beautiful work

  • You’re pitching yourself effectively and getting great responses but can’t seem to actually get PAID for shoots

  • Want to finally start charging in the way the industry expects

  • You know you should be charging usage but don’t know how

join TODAY for £599

Payment plans are available



  • You get instant access to all the course material as soon as you enrol. Profitable Fashion Photography is totally self-paced, which means that you decide when you start and finish.

  • You will get lifetime access to the course materials, and updates.

  • Due to most of my courses being digital products with instant access materials, these are not eligible for refunds.

    I’m confident you will love my courses, however if you do have an issue, are unsatisfied or have difficult circumstances that you’d like to chat through, please email me info@oliviabossert.com and I’ll be happy to help find a solution!

    Read more about my course terms here.

  • This course is designed for photographers who have already got an adequately built portfolio, and understanding of how to use a camera. There is no technical knowledge about photography within the course, and it focuses entirely on marketing and pitching.

    If you’re not sure whether you’re the right fit for the course, please do email me at info@oliviabossert.com and I will happily chat with you!

  • Inside PFP, I will teach you everything I know about offering a premium service to your clients, how to charge more per photoshoot, how to charge for usage, and I'll tell you what the industry average rates are.

    You'll also learn how to reply to emails asking about your rates in a way that gets the client wanting to say yes. You'll learn sales techniques and psychology that will make booking jobs a breeze.

    You'll also learn how to negotiate higher rates for your shoots.

    Whilst I will teach you everything I know about pricing and selling in photography, the work has to be done by you. I cannot guarantee an increase in rate, but can promise that if you stick to my methods and follow my suggestions, an increase in your rates should be just around the corner!

  • As soon as you join the course, you'll get access to the custom GPT that I have created to help you create your minimum shoot rate.

    This is the first step in the course, and will be the foundation of everything moving forward.

    The process is quick, and very easy, and no spreadsheets are required!

  • Most photographers never progress in the industry because they don't know how the standards are set, or how to push their rates forward.

    The aim of this course is to teach you how the fashion industry expects you to price yourself, and sell yourself, so that you stand out and are also accepted as part of the industry.

  • Inside the course I will share with you the methods that I use for managing my money, and show you how to do the same.

  • How about both! The mission of this course is to help you to increase the total profit you are making as a fashion photographer, as well as your revenue.

    You will learn how to increase your profit but ensuring from the moment you start that your pricing is profitable - no matter what shoot you do.

    It will help you to increase your revenue by teaching you how to negotiate bigger and better jobs, and sell in a way that makes booking you for jobs an easy YES for your clients

  • The methods you will learn inside Profitable Fashion Photographer are valuable throughout the entirety of your career.

    You can dip in and out of it whenever suits you, whenever you have the time, or desire to.

    You can join PFP now, learn the techniques, and use it whenever you need to or want to!

  • Not if you follow the strategies and techniques that I teach you, they definitely won’t.

    In fact, most people will think you're "selling" is more like you telling them all about the increible shoots you can offer them. It won't feel like you're selling to them for one moment, and they won't feel like they're being sold to.

  • Im focused on making sure YOU are profitable - not telling you how much of what you should charge. 

    I want you to charge usage in a way that works for you AND your clients, not crazy outdated methods that don't work anymore.

Worried that this won’t work for you?

Let me put your mind at ease by covering some of the biggest doubts that I hear from photographers all the time.

Major Worry #1

“I’m so bad at maths and numbers”

Omg me too - don’t worry! Even if you HATE maths and numbers, you’re going to find this course incredibly easy to understand and navigate. I know you’re a creative person who probably dislikes spreadsheets and doing calculations (that’s me too), so this course has hardly ANY of that.

Major Worry #2

“I’m still too much of a beginner”

Profitable Fashion Photographer is for you even if you’ve never done a paid shoot before! You can avoid all the bad habits that so many photographers take on from day one. You will learn how to build a profitable business from the first shoot you do, and skip over SO much pain that is unnecessary as a fashion photographer.

Major Worry #3

“It’s too expensive for me”

I get it - it’s a large investment! But I want you to view this as just that, an investment. All you need to do is book ONE job, and you’ll make your money back. Not only that, but I promise that if you follow the steps I teach you inside the course, you’ll be making even MORE money than ever before.

Three things that I can promise you

Promise 1

You will know exactly what your minimum rate NEEDS to be within minutes of taking the course

promise 2

You’ll know how to price and negotiate usage with clients in a way that works for you AND them.

promise 3

You’ll learn how to sell yourself in a way that doesn’t feel like selling for one moment.

Here’s What You’ll Learn

💰 Set Your Price: Use “Olive” my profitable pricing advisor GPT to help you work out your minimum profitable pricing in minutes. No longer EVER worry what your rate should be ever again.

🎉 How to offer a premium service: You’ll know how to make sure you’re shoots are the BEST in the industry, and worth every penny your clients spend

💵 How to charge more per shoot: You’ll learn ways to increase your profit on every shoot you do in ways you didn’t even know was possible

💳 How to charge usage: You’ll learn the theory behind usage, and how to charge for usage in 2024!

💌 Reply to Enquiries: You’ll learn how to reply to any email asking you for your rates - never worry about those emails again.

👀 How to create estimates: See real life examples of estimates and learn how to create one in the way the industry expects.

🌟 How to sell effectively: You’ll learn my unique sales method that clients LOVE and win’s me jobs all the time.

📨How to send invoices: You’ll be guided on how to put invoices together, and how to send them to clients.

💸 How to raise your rates: You’ll be shown how to tell your current clients that you are raising your rates…without losing them as a client!

📈 Track Your Finances: The easiest and most effective way to track your finances as a photographer, in a way that helps you increase your income.

🏦 Financial Management: You’ll learn the system that I use to manage my finances in a way that takes the worry out of taxes, cash flow and ensures you make a profit

👇🏻 How to offer discounts: If you need to, I’ll show you how to offer discounts to clients WITHOUT it meaning you need to charge those discounted rates forever.

🥵How to deal with rejection: You’ll learn how to overcome the dread that comes with being told “no” and rise up to be an even stronger photographer.

And honestly.. there is SO much more!